Professor Bob Baughman (Cincinnati, USA, past president of WASOG) just handed over the WASOG medal to the new president of WASOG professor Marjolein Drent from the Netherlands.
On October the 10th 2014 during the 11th WASOG and 13th BAL meeting in Kusadasi Turkey (3rd combined WASOG BAL meeting) professor Marjolein Drent was appointed president of this organization ( WASOG stands for World Association for Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders.
The WASOG engages with interstitial lung disease (ild), including among others, sarcoidosis and pulmonary fibrosis. The WASOG organizes scientific meetings, where experts meet, among others, gives its own journal: ‘Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases.’ In the Netherlands, an estimated 20,000 people suffer from some form of diffuse lung disease. It was a very successful conference with 338 participants from many countries. For a more detailed report see
Marjolein Drent is a professor of interstitial lung disease (ild), affiliated with the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) of the University of Maastricht (UM), The Netherlands. She is a pulmonologist at the department of Respiratory Medicine of Hospital Gelderse Vallei (ZGV) in Ede where she leads the ild care expertise team ( She is also chair of the ild care foundation. The WASOG and ild care foundation work closely together. She has been involved with the WASOG since 1995 and has all kinds of positions within this organization. Highlight was the organization of the last World Congress in 2011 in Maastricht. She is also an ambassador for ComPassionforCare.